The Complete Andor Poncho Gang

I proudly present the complete Andor Poncho gang with all 7 knitters – all colleagues at Jotun – photographed in Sandefjord this glorious summer. My Andor design was made for Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk and part of the first collection. The pattern is available in Norwegian and English to download from Ravelry and in yarn kits online from Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk’s website: and in selected yarn stores. It was Nina Hove Myhre, aka FiberAndArt (far right) that wanted to knit the poncho and told her colleagues at their lunch table. I was so thrilled to hear that 6 of them wanted to join in. All knitted the poncho in the original Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk, Tinde Pelsull choosing different colours.

I love seeing their results and so honoured that they all wanted to knit it! Thank you so much to the gang! I first met Nina 5 years ago, when she organised a book presentation for me at Larvik Husflidslag/Handcraft association, see my blogpost. If you follow my blog you have seen several of the astonishing total of 22 of my designs Nina has knitted. She is showing off a number of them in this blogpost: Nina is also one of my group moderators at Ravelry. You can see the Andor Poncho Gang in London with a pregnant Nina here. This summer, Nina with her husband and little Olav – now 8 months old – came to visit us in Ørje. I can reveal that Olav likes to look at knitting charts and is especially fond of my colour coding. In other words, Nina is working on yet another of my designs, I am delighted to say!


Knitting Design Workshop in Larvik

DSCN1680Last weekend I held my new Knitting Design Workshop in Larvik, and I stayed – as always – with my friend & Ravelry Group moderator Nina Hove Myhre who together with Inger Kamfjord Andersen came wearing my design; Regal Purple Jacket (read: in uniform). How thrilled was I? You can only guess! Nina made hers in her own dyed wool Vandre, see FiberAndArt, while Inger made hers in the original Hifa Perle, for more details see Ravelry. The workshop was organized by Larvik Husflidslag, and held at their marvelous premises – filled with looms, sewing machines and dressmaker mannequins – next to the museum. As if that in itself was not enough, Nina had baked buns that very morning in their kitchen so that the smell welcomed us and they were absolutely delicious!

007 copyMy plan was to go through the design process from beginning to finish, and follow one of my designs on its journey to completion; Tyrol Jacket was my choice since I have its initial  submission proposal with a sketch and preliminary schematic. Instead of making tasks for each knitter to do, after I had covered a section of theory,  I opted for them to bring a swatch in a pattern and yarn of their choice, then for them to make a project page where they would add their ideas as well as numbers as soon as they started to calculate with their gauge according to their measurements and chosen ease. I was amazed at the complexity of the swatches several of the knitters brought with them and recognized their Japanese influence, see below. All I had to do was make suggestions for edges and assist on calculations, especially the sleeve top one for a set in sleeve.

002Totally essential for the workshop, in my opinion, were stitch manuals, my design bible by Shirley Paden, my own swatches and designs, as well as favorite shade cards I use for inspiration and yarn selections. I also had to bring copies of my book, obviously. Just in case some of the participants had not seen it.

009On Sunday Nina had changed into another uniform, this time the Arcade Vest knitted in the original yarn; Norsk Pelsullgarn by Hifa in Grey Violett, see Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk. The Norwegian pattern was published in Familien in issue no 3 earlier this year, while the English pattern will be released shortly. I am delighted to say that Nina took part also in this test knit. Here is the pattern page on Ravelry. You can also read, with Google Translate, if you do not read Norwegian, Nina’s blogpost here: Fiber And Art.

DSCN1686My next Knitting Design Workshop is scheduled in Oslo organized by Østre Aker Husflidslag at the end of October but more workshops will follow. This weekend I am holding Japanese Patterns in Oslo organized by Vestre Aker Husflidslag, and I am working on my workshop paper. Next on my agenda is calculating my own new designs…


New Design: Cable On Scarf

I finished this scarf a few months back, but had initially planned to use it as an accessory to the Arcade Vest. But since I opted for a round neck instead of a v-neck, and its natural light grey color does not make for a perfect pair with the turquoise, it is on its own – at least for now. The Cable On Scarf is reversible made up of rib stitches instead of the usual stocking stitches, framed by double moss on each side. The horn shaped cables adds texture and depth to this generous scarf. Why not wear it as a decorative warm collar. It is knitted in the classic natural grey shade of the beautiful Norsk/Norwegian Pelsull/Furyarn by Hifa using a 3.5 mm/US 4. Available here at: ull, see the first colours below, another 7 have been added since yarn launch. The pattern has been bought by the Norwegian magazine Familien/The Family but will not be published until the autumn since spring is on its way.

I will show you the professional photo when it is ready, probably not until early autumn. The pattern will be available in my Ravelry store in both English and Norwegian, a year after publication of the magazine. I am working on more designs, but did not make it into to Twist Collective fall 2013 issue only onto the short list, so I am not discouraged and will try again!

Do take a look at Nina’s Milanese Shawl knitted in a stunning brown shade of Wollmeise Lace again with homemade covered buttons here: fiberandart. The pattern is in my Norwegian (and Finnish) knitting book, and sold in English in my Ravelry store here: linda-marveng. In addition, she – a speedy knitter – has also knitted the Open Triangles Cowl and Wristwarmers from the pattern published in Familien issue 2, and I am so thrilled with her selection of designer, look at: fiberandart.


Lace Workshop in Larvik

I spent the weekend in Larvik, 2 hours by train, south of Oslo where I held a workshop in Lace knitting, called hullstrikk/hole-knitting in Norwegian organized by Larvik Husflidslag. It is not difficult to make holes in knitting, but to make them on purpose in alignment is quite an achievement! So the reaction Nina Hove Myhre received when she told friends and colleagues that she was taking a course in “hole-knitting” was: you are going to do, what? Read more about it in Norwegian – or use Google Translate – on her blog: fiberandart.

It was to a small group of four women I was teaching and it was such a pleasure. We had plenty of time to chat, as well as exchange knitting experiences, during lunch and in between periods of concentrated pattern reading, and me teaching theory and techniques such as; how to insert a lifeline; identify the spine; how to make lacy effects; and how to read lace charts.

The day went quickly, and I spent the evening knitting, chatting and eating – delicious homemade food – with Nina, while her husband was busy refurbishing downstairs. I was also lucky to meet Nina’s niece who popped by with her father – to give refurbishing advice. Ingrid is a fellow blogger, so both I and my book was duly photographed. Here is the result: ingrid-inmari. On the second day of the workshop, we practiced beading, before more lace swatches and lace projects were worked upon.

I look forward to holding my next weekend workshop in Larvik, in April, on Finishing and Fairisle. For more details go to: larvikhusflidslag.

After reading my previous blog post and watching my video on making tucks Mary Jo wrote a blog post – with a marvelous heading. Do read it:
