Larvik Husflidslag/Handicraft Association Team Presentation

I had a fabulous time in Larvik, 2.5 hours train ride south from Oslo, last Tuesday where I held a presentation of my book. Nina Hove Myhre, the Study Leader standing left in the photo above, who invited me not only met me at the train station but also acted as driver the rest of the evening, as a great cook (read: I am more than happy to return), as a photographer and let me into her hobby rooms with space for yarn dying, spinning and sewing (read: I do want more than 1 room too!). You will find her yarn here: fiberandart and her neatly sewed articles here: epla. Next to Nina is Torunn Moe, then me – wearing the Japanese Lace Jacket – and Ingunn Hemm Tomter who came all the way from Sandvika. We had a great chat and knit on the train back home, even though Nina had hoped to organise a much busier knitting train!

Nina and I arrived early at their meeting rooms, former art studios with lots of atmosphere and several looms, just to find that it was filling up quickly. 78 persons turned up to hear my presentation, a new high for them and for me! But then Nina had done more than her share of promotional work: it was in the local paper two days in a row, on the local radio, on several knitting groups on Facebook, on her blog as well as on the team’s web page. More tables and chairs were added as people continued to arrive to the free event which included a light meal. As you can imagine the kitchen team worked really hard and were running out of grapes to decorate their sandwiches with!

To my delight a woman had knitted a jacket from my book and was wearing it. I asked her to stand up when I too was wearing the same jacket and she obliged! Sorry, we were too busy to take photographs at that point in time! While I was walking around showing off my garments I had quick chats with lots of lovely people and time flew away. Afterwards I sold and signed books at a great speed, I was so chuffed with the reception I got that I do want to come back to Larvik Husflidslag, see larvikhusflidslag!


8 thoughts on “Larvik Husflidslag/Handicraft Association Team Presentation

  1. Fantastic!! I am so happy you are becoming known in your new community! Congratulations on making so many new friends, and seeing your design made by others. What a boost for so many hours of quiet (& somewhat isolated) design work. I am so very happy for you. <3

  2. These are the times when I am so sorry that I live so far away! I am sure that it was a wonderful time all the way around. Congratulations!!!

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